Hayden Brophy
Chief Engineer
The impetus for Project Wilson was an interest in the limitations of Arduino-based IoT Projects (Internet of Things); I wondered "How far could you push off-the-shelf hardware with a little bit of elbow grease?" After a couple of days of research, I determined that, with enough duct tape and marine-grade sealant, I could have a fighting chance of sending an autonomous buoy across the Atlantic Ocean.

"Shop Rat" and Mission Control Leader
Mike Brophy
Mike's role ranged from making Home Depot runs, helping Hayden around the shop (the garage), documenting progress, and providing guidance on programming. He also manages Mission Control and Project Wilson's social media, along with making sure the bills are paid so Wilson can keep communicating! Mike works at Neo4j in San Mateo, California.

Resident Marine Expert and Launch Control Leader (LCL)
Capt. James Knutson
"Cap'n Jim" is the captain and owner of Reel Identity Charters and the launch vessel, Reel Latitude (homeport: Marathon, Florida), which will take Wilson to its launch location in the Gulf Stream. Jim is a native of California, seasoned sportsman, mariner, technical guru, and all-around good guy!